In this tutorial we take a look at the Open edX UI architecture and some of its foundational technologies. Key styling principals are illustrated with a detailed set of practical examples that you can put to work in your own comprehensive theme.

Table of Contents
Principals & Theory
Practical Examples
My first couple of attempts at modifying the CSS styling of the Open edX UI were dismal failures because I didn’t understand anything about the platform UI’s architecture let alone how its production files are compiled and deployed. You won’t get far if you attempt to analyze the html output of your Open edX installation. For example, your home page probably contains exactly two CSS references in the head section of the page that look similar to the following:
link href="/static/css/lms-style-vendor.68e48093f5dd.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" link href="/static/css/lms-main-v1.6feb4ea14d67.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
The file lms-main-v1.css is the more substantive of these two, and upon inspection you’ll see that it is both bulky and minified. The path “/static/css/” originates from one of a couple of subfolders located in /edx/var/edxapp/staticfiles/. Reviewing the contents these folders it becomes clear that the CSS has been pre-packaged in some special way so that it can be efficiently delivered to any of the many different pages that makeup the platform.
In order to customize the appearance of your Open edX platform you first need to understand how these CSS files were created.
The short story is that Open edX ships with a “base” theme located inside of /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/ which is compiled using an open source Python tool named Paver. This base theme makes extensive use of Python Mako Templates as well as the Bootstrap framework and SASS (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets). Thus, to work with the Open edX UI you need to understand some basic principals about each of these technologies. Additionally, you should read my blog post on Getting Started With Open edX Comprehensive Theming.
I. Principals & Theory
Open edX UI Foundational Technologies
Comprehensive Theming | Comprehensive Theming is a proprietary Open edX strategy then enables you to segregate your UI customizations from the native Open edX code base. This is important because without Comprehensive Theming you would be unable to upgrade your Open edX platform without losing your code changes. Incidentally, Comprehensive Theming provides the added benefit of making it a lot easier for you and others on your team to fully understand the nature and extent of your customizations. You can read more about how comprehensive theming works in the Open edX Official Documentation. |
Mako templates | Open edX is built on the Python Django framework which in turn relies on Mako templates to render each screen. Mako templates are a common way to generate dynamic web pages in Django. They are not unlike PHP files or Microsoft’s Active Server Pages in the sense that all of these file formats give you the ability t0 combine pure html with a scripting language. The complete base set of UI templates for the LMS is located in /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/lms/templates. |
Bootstrap | Bootstrap is a popular free and open-source front-end framework for designing websites and web applications. It contains HTML- and CSS-based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation and other interface components, as well as optional JavaScript extensions. Importantly, Bootstrap is themable, and the Open edX UI makes extensive use of this feature. The most visible modifications to the Open edX UI like for example, colors and fonts, can be easily modified by setting a few Bootstrap variables.
Incidentally, the edX development team created two sample custom themes, the “Red Theme” and the “Dark Theme”, both of which are located in /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/themes. Both themes demonstrate how to change fonts and colors by modifying Bootstrap variables. Specifically, you can analyze the contents of /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/themes/red-theme/lms/static/sass/partials/lms/theme/_variables.scss to see how this is accomplished. |
SASS | Open edX and Bootstrap both rely on SASS as a means of dynamically and consistently manipulating complex CSS selectors and attributes. In my opinion SASS is kind of an arcane skill set, but nonetheless, the more you understand about SASS the more effective you’ll become at implementing robust, professional-looking customizations to your Open edX installation. |
Paver | Paver is a Python utility that enables easy scripting for software projects. Paver is a Python-based software project scripting tool along the lines of Make or Rake. Open edX devops and development teams rely on Paver commands to compile the static assets of the platform, like for example, the SASS, javascript, Mako templates and images located in /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/lms/. You can read more about the specifics of how Paver is used with Open edX by reviewing my publicly-available Bash script: |
These foundational technologies form a style “stack” that looks like this:

How To Enable Bootstrap
If you’re running Ginkgo or newer then the requisite Bootstrap CSS and JS framework libraries are already present on your LMS pages. Bootstrap is included as a Node NPM package which you can view here: /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/node_modules/bootstrap. The Hawthorn instance that I’m using for this post uses Bootstrap 4.0 Beta.
Note however that Bootstrap is used on some pages, but not on others. There’s a global boolean Python variable named “uses_bootstrap” that you’ll see referenced in some of the Mako templates to test whether or not Bootstrap is initialized on a page. For example, /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/lms/templates/main.html, which is used as the base template for all screens, includes a reference to “uses_bootstrap” to determine whether to include Bootstrap’s JS library at the bottom of the page.
Working With SASS
For a few reasons, I avoid modifying the LMS SASS files which are located in /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/lms/static/sass. First, you’ll want to keep in mind that these files were generated by a UI design application like Adobe Dreamweaver and were therefore not really intended to be viewed and edited by humans. I’m not a SASS expert, and even with the modest expertise that I’ve accumulated over the years, I find the files quite difficult to read, let alone modify. Additionally, to test your changes you have to recompile the SASS files using the “Compile Static Assets” procedure, which takes around 10 minutes. So unless you’re so incredibly skilled you can routinely and correctly edit computer-generated SASS files on your first attempt, then this will be a slow and painstaking processes. But more importantly, it’s probably not necessary to modify any of these files in order to achieve your styling objectives.
Many if not most of the styling changes that you want to implement can and should be done via the Bootstrap variables, which you’ll see in one of the exercises below. If on the other hand, you want to create new CSS classes then usually more practical strategy is to add these “inline” to the associated Mako templates; which you’ll also see in one of the examples below.
Where To Place Your CSS Styling
How you implement your CSS code changes is as important as the changes themselves. I try to implement my CSS styling modifications in a way that minimizes the total number of sources files that I have to edit, and therefore by extension, that I have to includes in my comprehensive theming repository. The fewer UI files you have to include in your theme repository, the less likely you’ll run into compulsory code rewrites for future platform upgrades. Since someone is probably paying for your time, minimizing code rewrites generally supersedes your preferences on CSS coding style. These rules of thumb generally work for me:
- Color & font changes: implement via Bootstrap variables
- Image substitutions: if possible, add image to the repository images/ folder using the original image name and file type
- New CSS classes or ID: add these as “inline” styles to the Mako template(s) where the html content is rendered.
II. Practical Examples
Example 1: Changing Colors and Fonts
- The most important elements of the theme come from the file /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/themes/red-theme/lms/static/sass/partials/lms/theme/_variables.scss. This file actually originates from Bootstrap and is used exclusively for overriding Bootstrap theme variables. I highly encourage you to Get Acquainted with Bootstrap Theming as this will save you countless hours of pain and struggle.
- The Red Theme file _variable.scss is intended to be used to override any of the dozens of variables assigned in /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/lms/static/sass/partials/lms/theme/_variables-v1.scss.
- The edX designers packaged their base Open edX Bootstrap theme into a Node NPM package which contains the more important variable declarations and assignments. The node package is located here: /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/node_modules/@edx/edx-bootstrap/sass/open-edx, and its only two files are _variables.scss and _theme.scss. If you’re trying to change theme colors then this file contains all of the salient variable names and their default values. Here is a snapshot of the contents of this file beginning around row 65:
Example 2: Add a Custom Image or Graphic to a Page
- Add the custom image to your theme repository, in the lms/static/images/ folder
- Here is an example of a Mako template reference to an image in your custom theme
img class="logo" src="${static.url("images/my-awesome-image.png")}" alt="My Awesome Image"/>
- Recompile static assets:
sudo wget | bash
Example 3: Modify CSS styling of existing LMS features
Coming soon! 😬
Example 4: Enable Bootstrap on the Home Page
Bootstrap is included in the native build of Open edX Ginkgo and later. However, it is selectively enabled based on a flag variable contained in each page’s Django view. Bootstrap is not enabled on the homepage of the LMS, however, you can manually add the necessary CSS and javascript libraries to the index.html Mako template. You can see a functional example here:…/index.html.
Lets take a closer look at the necessary modifications to this Mako template.
On row 10 we test the Django variable “uses_bootstrap” to see if Bootstrap is included in the WebPack version of minified CSS linked to the page via the LMS’ production system. If it exists then we do nothing. Otherwise, we add a link to a CDN-supplied Bootstrap library. I copied this link from the Bootstrap home page “Get Started” link:
[python htmlscript=”true”]<head>
<!– McDaniel Oct-2018: add the Bootstrap library, unless it’s already included from webpack –>
% if not uses_bootstrap:link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-MCw98/SFnGE8fJT3GXwEOngsV7Zt27NXFoaoApmYm81iuXoPkFOJwJ8ERdknLPMO" crossorigin="anonymous">% endif
On row 86 we use a similar coding pattern to optionally add the Bootstrap javascript library if its not already present on the page. I actually copied this code fragment directly from the bottom of /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/lms/templates/main.html.
[python htmlscript=”true”]
% if not uses_bootstrap:
<!– McDaniel Oct-2018: add the Bootstrap javascript library, unless it’s already included from webpack –>
## xss-lint: disable=mako-invalid-js-filter
script type="text/javascript" src="${static.url(‘common/js/vendor/bootstrap.bundle.js’)}">
% endif[/python]
With the CSS and Javascript libraries loaded on our homepage we can now add Bootstrap components to our page. As an added bonus, the Bootstrap components that we add to our homepage will reflect any styling modifications that we might have added to theme/themes/custom-theme/lms/static/sass/partials/lms/theme/_variables.scss. In the example home page below we can see two sample Bootstrap alert boxes, one of which is dismissible (confirming that the Javascript library is working), and both of which are inheriting a few custom theme colors.

III. Annex: Official Open edX Styling Documentation
I found the following styling documentation in /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/doc/. This brief narrative sheds some light on the direction of CSS styling in future releases of the platform.
Styling in edx-platform
Styling in edx-platform
Over time, our Sass styling has become a little convoluted, with three major
reworkings often leading to confusion when a developer needs to style in
multiple locations across edx-platform. The main endeavors were v1, v2 (or
pattern library) and Bootstrap. We are trying to move away from using v2, as the
pattern library is deprecated, but there may still be locations in the code that
reference those styles (please remove them as you see fit).
Our platform uses a system of Sass partials that combine to compile into a
single large css file to be rendered on the page. From the Sass docs:
You can create partial Sass files that contain little snippets of CSS
that you can include in other Sass files. This is a great way to
modularize your CSS and help keep things easier to maintain. A partial
is simply a Sass file named with a leading underscore. You might name it
something like _partial.scss. The underscore lets Sass know that the
file is only a partial file and that it should not be generated into a
CSS file. Sass partials are used with the “@import“ directive.
This structure allows us to break up our styling into small pieces, making
readability and maintenance easier, while often at the expense of structural
complexity as a code base grows. Here is an example, directly from edx-platform,
for how the partials flow to a single scss file that compiles into CSS for the
page to use. This is a page that uses v1 styling.
.. figure:: v1_sass_pipeline.webp
:alt: Sass Compilation for v1 CSS
Sass Compilation for v1 CSS
Note that this only shows an example, there are far more partials that come
together to make the “lms-main-v1.css“ final file.
As you can see, the “lms-main-v1.scss“ file does not have a leading
underscore, telling the compilation to turn that scss file into an actual css
file to be rendered on the page. If you were to use the Chrome Inspector tool
and look at the styling, you will see that there is one unified “lms-
main-v1.css“ file that contains all the element styles.
The “lms-main-v1.scss“ file uses the “@import“ statement to pull in the
“_build- base-v1.scss“ and “build-lms-v1.scss“ files which in turn import
more partials down the road. It is critical to recognize that this tree works in
a depth-first, first-come-first-serve manner. That means that styles that are
imported early in the process cannot reference Sass variables imported later in
the process (ie: “bootstrap/variables“ cannot reference variables from
This diagram describes the process for the **v1 styles**, and there is a similar
setup for “lms-main-v2.scss“ as well as “bootstrap/lms-main.scss“. Each
individual HTML page on the edx-platform specifies which of the three that page
wants to use for styling. Please note that as an organization, we are slowly
trying to 1) move everything over to the bootstrap/lms-main.scss file and 2)
deprecate and stop using any v2 files. “lms-main-v1.scss“ can still be used,
but a migration over to “bootstrap/lms-main.scss“, and a migration of any
relevant partials from the v1 structure, would be a valuable endeavor.
Please note that as you add partials, make sure that they are not already being
imported in another file (ie: you add a node to the tree above that already
exists on the tree).
What theming does, and how to do it
By thinking about the styling as a tree, theming becomes a lot simpler. All
theming means is that you can override one of the partials above by matching
the exact path in the “edx-platform/themes“ directory. So, for example, to
override the shared header file (located at “lms/static/sass/shared/_header“),
you would simply go into the “edx-platform/themes/[theme you want to
override]/lms/static/shared“ folder and add a _header.scss file. When django
compiles the assets, it will use this file as a replacement to the main
edx-platform implementation.
If you look at the actual code base, you will see that we have a standard of
using the partials directory for these overrides files. This keeps the specific
components isolated from the core styling to reduce errors when people override
files and forget to import other files that are needed elsewhere on the site.
This is a good practice that future development should adhere to.
Final Note: When dealing with front end changes, it is a good idea to also check
the edx-themes repo, that works exactly like our themes folder, but also
includes html templates that can further confuse things.
Bootstrap and edx-platform
In a month and a half endeavor in the Fall, Andy and I worked on integrating
Bootstrap into the platform for three main reasons.
1. **To unify our styling:** By specifying colors and variables that can be used
universally, reducing the ’50 shades of grey’ issue and inconsistencies in the
ways that we style components.
2. **To add a widely used component library:** Bootstrap has a robust community
of developers that contribute to their open source component library, allowing
for easier prototyping and create of front end experiences.
3. **To simplify theming:** Since we now have a single unified source of truth
for our variables, openedx instances and alternative themes can simply override
those files to customly style their sites.
Relating to the above styling conversation, we have pulled in the entire
bootstrap styling library into “lms-main.scss“, but only partially pulled it
into the v1 and v2 implementations due to naming conflicts. For example, we
could not pull in the bootstrap modal, due to conflicts with our own modal
styling (both use the generic “.modal“ class). We were, however, able **to
pull in the entire bootstrap javascript file**, since that file overrides jQuery
in ways that our current application does not (meaning no conflicts).
Therefore, any pages that use lms-main.scss can use any bootstrap component out
of the box. **To use bootstrap components in older, v1, v2 pages** we have to
manually specify the exact Sass partial from the “edx-
platform/node_modules/bootstrap“ that we want. For example, to add an alert to
a v1 page, you would add to “base/build“ the partial “bootstrap/scss/alert“.
Steps outlined below.
1. Determine from the “node_modules/bootstrap/scss“ directory which component
you want to import.
2. Add that import (i.e: “bootstrap/scss/alert“) somewhere in the Sass tree,
most likely to “base/build.scss“
3. NOTE: Run “paver compile_sass“ to make sure it works, if not, there is
likely a bootstrap mixin that you are missing. If so, search for the mixin in
“node_modules/bootstrap/scss/mixins“ and import it (i.e:
4. You are done. Add the component using HTML or Javascript. Use the Bootstrap
Component Docs for examples.
I want to add a new scss file for a feature on a particular page, how do I add it?
First, you want to check which root file the page uses, whether it is
lms-main-v1, lms-main-v2 or lms-main. Then, go to that file and trace down the
tree to find a good spot for the new scss file to live. So, for example, if you
are adding an LMS feature and the page uses lms-main-v1, you can trace down lms-
main-v1 > _build_lms_v1 and see that there are plenty of standalone imports that
look like features. Simply add your file to the lms/static/sass directory in a
similar manner and add it as an @import to that page.
Why isn’t my bootstrap component styling like in the bootstrap docs?
In any pages that use the lms-main.css compiled file, the bootstrap component
will render. This case only arises when we are working with a legacy v1 or v2
page. As outlined earlier in this document, we cannot import the entire
bootstrap repository due to conflicts with old styling. For v1 and v2, we are
gradually pulling in styles for components, so this must mean that you are
building a component that has not yet been used in the LMS/Studio.
To add the styles, you first need to find them in the bootstrap package. To do
so, search at edx-platform/node_modules/bootstrap/scss for the file that you
need. Then add this to the v1 or v2 tree, most likely to the build/base.scss
file. Note that you may hit issues with mixins when you try to compile the SASS.
In this case, check the edx-platform/node_modules/bootstrap/scss/mixins folder
and import that into the lms or studio before trying to import the component
Working with Bootstrap
Working with Bootstrap
This topic describes the Bootstrap framework, and how it should be used to
build user interfaces within edX applications. Note that Bootstrap adoption
started after the Ginkgo release, and so this document applies to the edX
master branch and to the forthcoming Hawthorn release.
If you are interested in the rationale for edX choosing Bootstrap, you can
read about the decision in `OEP-16: Adopting Bootstrap
.. highlight:: none
Getting Started
Bootstrap is an open source front end component library that is used by many of
the world’s most popular applications. It allows for rapid assembly of front end
components using a responsive grid system, a robust component library and easy
to configure theming capabilities to ensure that new components are rendered
consistently. EdX is using `Bootstrap 4`_ which is a reimplemented version using
Sass and that is currently in beta release.
All edX applications should use the `edx-bootstrap`_ package that can be
installed via `npm`_. This package provides two themes (a default Open edX
theme, as well as an edX branded version), and eventually will provide custom
Open edX styles for common patterns.
.. _ui_bootstrap_custom_designs:
Developing Custom Designs
Bootstrap provides a large number of components and layouts out-of-the-box, but
there will always be a need to implement custom designs. There are a number of
considerations to take into account when implementing your designs using Sass.
The most important rule is to avoid hard-coding values such as colors and fonts.
Using hard-coded values means that Bootstrap themes will not be able to affect
your styles, and so your new elements will look out of place. Whenever possible
you should instead use the functions and variables provided by Bootstrap to
access theme colors or fonts. See `Bootstrap customization options`_ for more
For example, here is an example of a hard-coded style::
.my-element {
font-family: “Open Sans”;
color: #0000ff;
The recommended alternative is as follows::
.my-element {
font-family: $font-family-sans-serif;
color: theme-color(“primary”);
If you do find the need for a custom color or font that isn’t provided by
the edX Bootstrap library, consider first whether it makes sense to contribute
it back so that other applications can use this value too. If you decide to
add a custom value, define it as a variable that can be overridden by a theme by
using the “!default“ flag. This allows themes to provide a different value
for this variable if they choose. See the Sass documentation for `default flag`_
for more details.
For example::
$my-custom-color: #0000ff !default;
.my-element {
font-family: $font-family-sans-serif;
color: $my-custom-color;
.. _Bootstrap 4:
.. _Bootstrap customization options:
.. _default flag:
.. _edx-bootstrap:
.. _npm:
edx-platform Static Asset Pipeline Plan
edx-platform Static Asset Pipeline Plan
Static asset handling in edx-platform has evolved in a messy way over the years.
This has led to a lot of complexity and inconsistencies. This is a proposal for
how we can move forward to a simpler system and more modern toolchain. Note that
this is not a detailed guide for how to write React or Bootstrap code. This is
instead going to talk about conventions for how we arrange, extract, and compile
static assets.
Big Open Questions (TODO)
This document is a work in progress, as the design for some of this is still in
flux, particularly around extensibility.
* Pluggable third party apps and Webpack packaging.
* Keep the Django i18n mechanism?
* Stance on HTTP/2 and bundling granularity.
* Optimizing theme assets.
* Tests
Any proposed solution must support:
* Externally developed and installed Django apps.
* Theming.
* XBlock assets.
* Existing tests.
* Fast builds.
* An incremental implementation path.
* Other kinds of pluggability???
Some assumptions/opinions that this proposal is based on:
* We want to shift as much as possible to Webpack and the JavaScript stack of
technologies, leaving the Python layer as thin as possible.
* While we will try to make theming upgrades straightforward, we will be moving
around where files are located and where they’re compiled out to.
* We will be pushing towards a world that is more Django app-centric than LMS
vs. Studio centric, to reduce duplication.
* At the same time, we want to consolidate assets far more efficiently than we
are doing today.
* Leaning towards more static front ends + API calls.
* However we still need to be compatible with Django’s asset system for things
like third party apps (e.g. Django Rest Framework browsing assets, Swagger,
* It should be possible to pre-build static assets and deploy them onto S3 or
Where We Are Today
We have a static asset pipeline that is mostly driven by Django’s built-in
staticfiles finders and the collectstatic process. We use the popular
“django-pipeline“ library, with UglifyJS as the JavaScript compressor (the
binary is installed via node into node_modules). We also use the less well known
“django-pipeline-forgiving“ extension to “django-pipeline“ so we don’t error
out when files are missing (added when we started dynamically scanning XBlocks
for assets).
The “django-pipeline“ config is aware of CSS files for the purposes of
concatenation, but it does *not* know about the source Sass files.
Those are processed with paver tasks before “django-pipeline“ ever sees them.
We also have the following custom extensions to Django’s builtin “STATICFILES“
Custom finder that overrides any static asset with a version from the themes
directory (“COMPREHENSIVE_THEME_DIRS“ defined in “lms.envs.json“ and
Custom finder that accesses and extracts assets from pip-installed XBlocks via
Custom “FileStorage“ classes that mostly exist for theme-awareness.
LMS and Studio/CMS Separation
LMS and Studio have their own directories for source assets (“lms/static“ and
“cms/static“), and have symlinks to shared assets in “common/static“. We
treat the static asset compilation and collection phase for LMS and Studio as
separate projects that happen to share a lot of pieces. They output to different
places (typically “/edx/var/edxapp/staticfiles“ for LMS and
“/edx/var/edxapp/staticfiles/studio“ for Studio) and can be collected
separately. However in practice they’re always run together because we deploy
them from the same commits and to the same servers.
Django vs. Webpack Conventions
The Django convention for having an app with bundled assets is to namespace them
locally with the app name so that they get their own directories when they are
gathered together into a common static directory by collectstatic. For example,
the edx-enterprise app has a “static/enterprise“ folder, so its assets are
compiled to “/edx/var/edxapp/staticfiles/enterprise“ by edx-platform and will
not conflict with assets from any other Django app.
Webpack conventions would have us create a single set of configuration files at
the root of edx-platform, which would specify all bundles in the project.
TODO: The big, “pluggable Webpack components” question.
Proposed Repo Structure
All assets that are in common spaces like “common/static“, “lms/static“,
and “cms/static“ would be moved to be under the Django apps that they are a
part of and follow the Django naming convention (e.g.
“openedx/features/course_bookmarks/static/course_bookmarks“). An app’s
“templates/{appname}“ directory will only be for server side templates, and
any client-side templates will be put in “static/{appname}/templates“.
Proposed Compiled Structure
This is meant to be a sample of the different types of things we’d have, not a
full list:
# Webpack bundles/post-processed assets
/vendor ?
# Django apps that are in the edx-platform repo
# edX authored, installed via separate repo
# Entirely third party apps that we need to maintain compatiblity with.
# Themes are part of the “theming” app
# XBlocks still collect their assets into a common space (/xmodule goes away)
# We consider this to be the XBlock Runtime’s app, and it collects static
# assets from installed XBlocks.
Django vs. Webpack Roles
Rule of thumb: Django/Python still serves static assets, Webpack processes and
optimizes them.
Webpack would be responsible for all Sass compilation in edx-platform. It would
also be responsible for the optimization/minification of JavaScript assets, but
those optimized assets would only appear under the “/webpack“ directory. Third
party assets that Webpack is not aware of may have hash suffixes applied to them
by the Django collectstatic layer, but will not otherwise be processed or
optimized in any way — so no sass compilation, no uglifyjs minification, etc.
The django-pipeline dependency should be removed altogether.
Theme handling is muddled. The fact that themes can override server-side
templates means that Python has to be aware of them. At the same time, we want
to shift over Sass compilation as a whole to Webpack, meaning that at least some
knowledge about where they are and how to compile them has to exist there. Also,
there are JS assets in some themes that provide additional functionality, and it
would be a performance degradation if those assets were no longer optimized.
What I do NOT want to happen:
* Significant end user performance degradation.
* Having an *additional* system in the asset pipeline (e.g. keeping
django-pipeline around while having additional systems).
I think that means that conceptually, there exists a larger Static Asset system
that exists and that we think of both Webpack and Django being consumers of its
configuration. This is also very fuzzy at the moment.
Asset Groups
There will be logical groupings of static assets. There should be uniformity and
no duplication within a group, but we would allow duplication between groups to
better facilitate independent deployment and isolation.
Example Groups:
* XBlock/XModule Assets
* LMS/Studio apps in edx-platform
* Third party app, such as edx-enterprise
I hope you found this helpful. Please help me improve this article by leaving a comment below. Thank you!
Thank you for the tutorial! I’m having trouble with the code not recognizing javascript. Buttons and things like that aren’t working for some reason. I’ve included the code you posted at the bottom of the page.
Hi Lawrence, you posts are great I nave learned a lot from. Actually I descovred Tutor the Docker Based Open Edx distribution trough one of your posts. Thank you. I was able to install Open Edx using Tutor and also was able to implement your test theme on the default installation. However, the image included has not shown up even-though I did get the “congratulation” message and didn’t have an error message.
ps: I am using ironwood 2 as a release and the site is in production.
Any suggestion ?
i want to change and hide one menu .
where i get all name that shows in menu?
Hi Lawrence, thank you for your awesome blog!
I’m working on a customized version (not by me) of openEdX ficus release. I’m trying to test the update/modification of some static files, say replace an image in the lms. My problem is with the compiling procedure for collecting the static files… I get a permission denied over static files in lms after running the command paver update_assets lms –settings=production (actuallly aws because production is not recognized). And if I try with sudo then I do not know the password. What should I do? is there a default passaword?
The password I’m talking about is the one for the user edxapp.
I actually made edxapp a sudoer and setted the password, still I get the same error of permission denied
EACCES: permission denied, open ‘/edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/lms/static/coffee/src/modules/tab.js’
EACCES: permission denied, open ‘/edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/common/lib/capa/capa/tests/test_files/js/xproblem.js’
Captured Task Output:
—> pavelib.assets.compile_sass
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/edx/app/edxapp/venvs/edxapp/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/paver/”, line 196, in _run_task
return do_task()
File “/edx/app/edxapp/venvs/edxapp/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/paver/”, line 193, in do_task
return func(**kw)
File “/edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/pavelib/utils/”, line 38, in timed
return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
File “/edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/pavelib/”, line 499, in compile_sass
File “/edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/pavelib/”, line 583, in _compile_sass
File “/edx/app/edxapp/venvs/edxapp/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/”, line 637, in compile
include_paths, precision, custom_functions, importers,
File “/edx/app/edxapp/venvs/edxapp/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/”, line 223, in compile_dirname
encoding=”UTF-8″) as output_file:
IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: ‘lms/static/css/index.css’
Captured Task Output:
—> pavelib.assets.update_assets
—> pavelib.prereqs.install_node_prereqs
xmodule_assets common/static/xmodule
mkdir_p path(‘common/static/common/js/vendor’)
/bin/cp -rf node_modules/backbone-validation/dist/backbone-validation-min.js common/static/common/js/vendor
/bin/cp -rf node_modules/backbone/backbone.js common/static/common/js/vendor
/bin/cp -rf node_modules/backbone.paginator/lib/backbone.paginator.js common/static/common/js/vendor
/bin/cp -rf node_modules/moment-timezone/builds/moment-timezone-with-data.js common/static/common/js/vendor
/bin/cp -rf node_modules/moment/min/moment-with-locales.js common/static/common/js/vendor
/bin/cp -rf node_modules/jquery-migrate/dist/jquery-migrate.js common/static/common/js/vendor
/bin/cp -rf node_modules/jquery.scrollto/jquery.scrollTo.js common/static/common/js/vendor
/bin/cp -rf node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.js common/static/common/js/vendor
/bin/cp -rf node_modules/picturefill/dist/picturefill.js common/static/common/js/vendor
/bin/cp -rf node_modules/requirejs/require.js common/static/common/js/vendor
/bin/cp -rf node_modules/underscore.string/dist/underscore.string.js common/static/common/js/vendor
/bin/cp -rf node_modules/underscore/underscore.js common/static/common/js/vendor
/bin/cp -rf node_modules/sinon/pkg/sinon.js common/static/common/js/vendor
—> pavelib.assets.compile_coffeescript
node_modules/.bin/coffee –compile `find /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/lms /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/cms /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/common -type f -name “*.coffee”`
python lms –settings=aws compile_sass lms
Build failed running pavelib.assets.update_assets: Subprocess return code: 1
i’d recommend setting the file and group ownership, and file permissions as follows:
sudo chown -R edxapp /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/
sudo chgrp -R edxapp /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/
sudo chmod -R 644 /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/
this is great. how about a unique CSS styling applied, not site-wide, but to a particular course? would it be possible?
technically, no. however, you can add inline css styling to the html content in your courses, thus, you could completely re-style a single course with this strategy.
hey Lawrence, I want to say thank you because of your helpful articles and also ask a question.
I wanna load some new and special font faces I need them for Persian language to be nice looking.
where do you think I should add them? what I think is that I should add theme in a file (eg. fonts.css) and import it at the end of Head in main.html. Do you agree with this or you have a better sugesstion? thank you again
ps. I’m on hawthorn.master and have enabled comprehensive theming
hi Mahyard, i’m glad you’ve found the articles helpful! yes, that’s exactly what i would do. there are a couple of methodologies for implementing custom fonts, so i would recommend that you first create a simple local static site for testing purposes to ensure that you know the exact methodology to use for the font sets you’ve selected. but once you’ve confirmed this you’ll definitely be able to implement these with a combination of files saved to static/ in your custom theme + adding the necessary links to the head section of main.html.
thanks to you and your easy-to-understand articles Lawrence, I achieved my goal and leaded a new font face on my open edx instance. Can I ask you why you are so busy these days? have you planned to write a new article? Isn’t it accidentally about how to configure and use course discovery to have fantastic abilities such as assigning subjects to a course and grouping courses under a program?
I really hope to see such an article from you.